I tried to Upgrade JSON Template to HCL2 for Packer
What is HCL2:
HCL Stands For HashiCorp Configuration Language -it is an open source library maintained and made by HashiCorp. this language oriented towards configuration just like JSON and YAMl
Why to upgrade from JSON:
- There are quotes everywhere in JSON, and it can make it a bit hard to parse the text as a human. HCL2 has much less quotes. And it uses quotes only when you want to set strings — so not fields — making the parsing a little bit easier on the eyes.
- In HCL2 we can add comments
- In HCL2 Building blocks can be split in files
- In HCL2 we can add Stings in multiple line
variable "long_key" {
type = "string"
default = <<EOF
This is a long key.
Running over several lines.
It could be super handy for a boot_command.
Handson JSON -> HCL2:
You can use the hcl2_upgrade
command to transition your existing Packer JSON template to HCL2
- packer
You can use the existing template or copy the bellow code and save it as xyz.json for testing
{ "builders": [ { "type": "amazon-ebs", "region": "ap-northeast-1", "source_ami": "ami-1234567", "instance_type": "t2.micro", "ami_name": "DevelopersIO-try1", "ssh_username": "ec2-user", } ], "provisioners":[ { "type": "shell", "inline": [ "sleep 30", "sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y nginx1", "sudo systemctl start nginx.service" ] }, { "type": "file", "source": "index.html", "destination": "/tmp/" }, { "type": "shell", "inline": "sudo cp /tmp/index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/" } ] }
after saving a file Use the hcl2_upgrade
command to upgrade the JSON template to HCL2
packer hcl2_upgrade -with-annotations xyz.json
new file written in HCl2 will be created with name xyz.json.pkr.hcl
# This file was autogenerated by the 'packer hcl2_upgrade' command. We # recommend double checking that everything is correct before going forward. We # also recommend treating this file as disposable. The HCL2 blocks in this # file can be moved to other files. For example, the variable blocks could be # moved to their own 'variables.pkr.hcl' file, etc. Those files need to be # suffixed with '.pkr.hcl' to be visible to Packer. To use multiple files at # once they also need to be in the same folder. 'packer inspect folder/' # will describe to you what is in that folder. # Avoid mixing go templating calls ( for example ```{{ upper(`string`) }}``` ) # and HCL2 calls (for example '${ var.string_value_example }' ). They won't be # executed together and the outcome will be unknown. # source blocks are generated from your builders; a source can be referenced in # build blocks. A build block runs provisioner and post-processors on a # source. Read the documentation for source blocks here: # https://www.packer.io/docs/templates/hcl_templates/blocks/source source "amazon-ebs" "autogenerated_1" { ami_name = "DevelopersIO-try1" access_key = "wrongaccesskey" instance_type = "t2.micro" region = "ap-northeast-1" secret_key = "WrongSecretkey" source_ami = "ami-02d36247c5bc58c23" ssh_username = "ec2-user" } # a build block invokes sources and runs provisioning steps on them. The # documentation for build blocks can be found here: # https://www.packer.io/docs/templates/hcl_templates/blocks/build build { sources = ["source.amazon-ebs.autogenerated_1"] provisioner "shell" { inline = ["sleep 30", "sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y nginx1", "sudo systemctl start nginx.service"] } provisioner "file" { destination = "/tmp/" source = "index.html" } provisioner "shell" { inline = "sudo cp /tmp/index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/" } }
now we can initialise and build this file using below command
packer init . packer build .
We have Created HCl2 Code from Json